Ok, just imagine we all died and we manage to see him and able to ask questions at him, what question you all would like to give?
Oh yeah, this thread is free for all, atheist or not is ok. Just say it! XD
(Just got this freaking idea when I was thinking alone XD)
will /YOU/ be my friend? ;_;
"Do you know why you exist?"
He's gonna be like: "...nah, next question."
What was Peter Parker aka Spiderman like???!! XD
LOL...why spderman?? XD
LOL...why spiderman?? XD
O Lord, I pray, would that ye smite, with thy awesome vengeance, those who would employ 'XD' on yonder plain of digital existence?
"If, at any time, you could stop existing and make it so that you never had existed, could you?"
"Dad, can I borrow the car keys?"
Why do they say you are such a good god if people who don't obey you have to suffer in hell?
"So, happy with how things turned out for humanity?"
let me sell my soul and burn in hell for a nuke to destroy this thread with
He is God, you know. He is not called the Father for nothing!
why am i still alive in your presence?
( ・∀・)( ・∀・)( ・∀・)- WHY DON'T YOU rap IT UP??
There's no point preying to law of physics dude.
Why do I have cancer?
Fancy a game of craps? I hear Albert is keen on another round.
got a dollar bro?
what race do you hate most?
What if demons are counted as a race? WHAT WILL YOU DO THEN?
Hitler would be pleased to hear that!
>>31 Yep. So you probably got the joke if you made that connection.
What do you have against me? Why was my existence a giant boot stomping on a face, eternally?
That Large Hadron collider was something, wasn't it? Did you get a good view?
>>37 Hello there, Orwell.
So, God, can you hook me up with a smart girlfriend, bro?
so god, how did Elliott Smith really die?
Hey god, I'd like you to divide something by zero for me and tell me the answer.
I'd ask him for an apology. It is said god is everywhere and I don't like him being stuck up my ass.
God, I don't know why you put me in here but seriously I think your most stupid creation is love! What's on your mind when you create it and what the hell you think by bringing this worldly hell to me huh? Lucky enough I manage to keep on my senses if not I might be having a nice party with Satan now!
I don't believe in you. Well, I never believed in you when I was still 'alive' for I refuse to acknowledge that there shall exist someone who really sucked up in creating humans and whom one should worship calling it 'God'.
I still think you don't deserve to be called like that or being believed in.
Either repair what you did so awfully wrong and apologise to those who suffered due to your existense and make up for it or - well, hand the septre over to somebody else. Maybe heaven and earth just need a new gambler. It's worth a try, fucking wrinkly.