[Employment] What can I do for a living? [Help!] (13)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-01 20:05 ID:Dk744hA1

I hate my job.
I don't just hate my job in the normal way everyone else hates their job. I hate it because there is no job in the world that I could possibly be suit me any less.

I'm an introvert with a four year technical degree. I thrive on problem solving or meaningful constructive labour. I work a thankless shift on a social assembly line. This job requires a functioning brain stem and the ability to carry on a conversation about the weather. I feel like I'm drowning every day.

What I need is mentally stimulating employment, but the problem is my education is useless, my experience is nil, and all the jobs that I'm skilled for and would love to do pay too much for anyone to consider hiring me.

The challenge is: What kind of job can I easily get that won't make me look forward to my own death?
Every entry-level position involves either customer service or monotonous tasks. If it were possible, I'd work for free if I could just feel good about what I'm doing with my time.

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