[Employment] What can I do for a living? [Help!] (13)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-08 21:33 ID:Dk744hA1


I've tried, oh lord, I've tried.
If a tech support position was available and easy to find, I'd vault out of bed in the morning, sing in the shower, and whistle on my way to work.

But these jobs are taken by pricks who complain about how stupid people are then go home and play world of warcraft for eight hours in the nude.

Sure, I could work at some big box technology store, but that's not tech support, it's wiping a man's hard drive and then charging him a week's wages for the pleasure of deleting all of his family photos. Or all his pornography, if he's single, which may be just as bad depending on your point of view.

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