[Employment] What can I do for a living? [Help!] (13)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-09 02:39 ID:1tltAZkr

You seem to be rather intelligent about this, so I have several ideas for you:

1)Move and look for a job elsewhere, some markets are just itching for techcrawlers like yourself with some training but little experience. It means they can pay you less. It really does sound like your area is terrible, that or you aren't looking.

2)Help old people set up computers. Shouldn't be too hard to advertise, and you might actually make some money if there is a market. Freelance PC repair might work too.

3)Geek Squad usually takes people with a bit of technical training. Hope you have A+ cert, hurr

4)Forget everything above and just research how to do something over the net. Hell, buying shit in bargain bins then posting it on Ebay for HUGE PROFIT isn't a bad idea either, but there are so many ways to profit off the net it ain't funny.

I'm sure if you channel all your hate and rage it will be easy to support yourself so you can quit your job, and after a couple of years doing whatever you'll get better at it, get connections, and eventually make more money.
My dad basically just ran around making cabinets for 30 or so years and eventually started his own Kitchen design business.

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