Cutting (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-11 20:39 ID:ibkhh9tp

Well here's my story.
There are a lot of problems in my family and they make me really sad. Because of this when I am alone I cry and cut. I am trying to stop cutting because I know that it won't help, but it is really hard. Now I think that my sister is starting to suspect that I cut. I need any advice I can get on ...
a)how to stop cutting
b) how to convince my sister that I am not cutting

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-11 21:04 ID:iVh346Rj

Cut what?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-12 04:09 ID:1qW/XUka

Gosh, how can I answer this without trolling.

a) See a psychologist or psychiatrist. Showing one of your parents or guardians or whatever your cuts will probably convince them enough that you crazy.
b) Stop cutting and you won't have to convince her.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-12 04:18 ID:Heaven

if she finds out rape her

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-12 11:08 ID:aW7eJgCN


>Gosh, how can I answer this without being trolled?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-12 11:31 ID:xBr99Umw

If you know a person who cares about you, you should tell that person what you're doing.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-12 12:54 ID:Io+hnl0U

What problems are you having with your family?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-13 21:32 ID:1qW/XUka

yeah 10/10

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