How important IS the future?[Revenge] (23)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-13 08:02 ID:AN77puRe

>>7 and people he agrees with

>Neither does it mean your friend can't go out with her.

I'm sorry but somehow it does. I'm not saying that she should have returned her sentiments and whatever, but from his friend's perspective, that's something else. I know that well, because I always made a point not to mix friends with sentimental issues; a girl a friend of me loved was heavily hitting on me one night but I turned her down (she's a bit crazy but very hot nonetheless and I would have had fun with her) because I didn't want to hurt him.

Then again, the girl I used to like way too much went out with a friend of mine for a few (but somehow he wasn't too much into it, I suspect because he felt bad towards me) so they broke up, and right now she's with another of my friends. And this, guys, hurts terribly.

The fact alone that she's with someone else is hard, of course, but I agree with you - no rights, blah blah. But no, it's the fact that someone whom I consider a friend and who knew about my case still went for it and even if quite subtle about it sometimes happens to rub it on my face. Don't see them both much now, too bad. And oh, a third friend was a bit hitting on her, but went talking to me about it, asking how I felt and such. I told him exactly what you said, that I had no "right" on her whatsoever, that he could do it, etc. But in the end he told me he wouldn't for friendship's sake. So my point is valid, there are actually some people who have a sense of, say, trust and duty (not really the word I'm searching for but I can't find a better one) towards friends.

tl;dr: bros before hoes, or as I've read for the girl's version chicks before dicks. Don't screw with your friends' heart and head.

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