Lonely At School (29)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-18 20:25 ID:2dQkkg9e

First I did confidence-building things to give me the impetus to put myself in to social situations in the first place. Exercising, for example. It may sound superficial and just plain odd, but I feel better about myself and more confident and thus I'm more willing to take the risk of stepping out of my comfort zone.

The result is that I've been going to my school's literary house and talking with everyone and not really worrying or caring about what people think of me. I don't mean that in an arrogant way, but in a "oh god, they're silently judging me" way. Instead of going in to the social situation with a defeatist mindset, I go in with a "I'm going to make friends" mindset.

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