Lonely At School (29)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-23 01:18 ID:3NSdlmWy

OP here!

Okay, today I met with the boy. We hung out for a few hours on our laptops (it was so nerdy XD), but although we were both on the computer the entire time, we talked a lot and didn't really have any awkward silences, which was good.
Secondly, I went out for dinner with two girls (I was eating alone in the cafeteria a few weeks ago and one of them came up and invited me to sit with her, so that's how I know her). She invited me to a party afterward, actually, but my old habits kicked in and I politely refused and went back to my dorm room after dinner.
I did the smile thing kinda-sorta, too! Well, this morning after class I tried, but.. actually the person had their back to me and I must have looked like a freak going ":D" to a person walking away from me. XD I was going to count that, but at dinner someone looked at me and I thought: "!! Now is the chance!" so I smiled and we both looked away. So, I actually did it! :3

So, those were my social attempts... Even though the boy and I only stayed in my dorm room, so we weren't out in public at all, it's still kind of a social step, I guess?

What else do you guys think I should try to do...?

Thank you~!!

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