Lonely At School (29)

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 07:41 ID:9giKYHtQ

As far as I know it's not unusual for that to happen to some people. I moved from another country to go to college but other than that pretty much the same story. I'm sorry how hard it is and yes, I agree the whole "get out there and introduce yourself! and you'll be bestest friends 4eva~" doesn't actually work both on my account and the other persons. However, I think if you tried to join any sort of club it would help a lot. Club/organizations are better to getting a chance to talk to someone (as opposed to classes and lectures.) Also it's great if you can just know one person in the club and stick to them. Try to get to know their friends and make them your friends too. I know it's really hard but I really wish you good luck.

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