[rant] Ugly/fat girls are the annoying ones [generalization] (68)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-23 07:25 ID:MPYtyVKT

Okay, so the stereotype seems to be that the pretty girls are bitches, and all the girls with great personalities are ugly/fat.

However, over the years, I have actually encountered the opposite of this effect. This is quite a broad generalization to make, but it seems that all the fat/ugly girls I meet are the most irritating and annoying. They tend to be loud-mouthed, never shut up about things that nobody cares about, and just generally don't realize how much that everybody else hates them.

Or maybe they do. Maybe they've become this way because everybody does hate them. Maybe it's a reaction to how people treat them -- since people ignore or condescend to them because they are ugly/fat, maybe they counter it by being even more assertive and annoying, so that they will get more attention.

But whatever. I don't care. The point is that the only nice girls I meet are also pretty and cute, and most of the irritating bitches are fat. Go figure.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-23 09:02 ID:Heaven

Being annoying is a reaction caused by your presence.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-23 10:43 ID:LpHE2RUs

I'm ugly, and I'm loud-mouthed, I never shut up about things that nobody cares about, I'm rude... do you know why I'm like this? because I don't fucking care about what other thinks about me. If I try being nice it'll be all the same, nobody cares about the personality of an ugly girl, because it's ugly, that's enough for reject her.

4 Name: 43 : 2008-09-23 11:03 ID:Heaven

I don't know whether I am ugly or pretty, I don't compare myself to social standards. Actually, I don't care. I have been rude and loud in the past but grew out of it. I know I am "nice" because I like it this way.

I reckon your reasoning is biased and you need a bigger sample population than your high school 16 year olds.

5 Name: bingo : 2008-09-23 15:11 ID:a89t0DIO

I would say that your standards of judging someone's personality are easily swayed by their physical appearance. I know a lot of people that are not pretty but tend to be quite pleasant to be around. Then again, it could be people treat you as you treat them. What if the pretty once are nice because you're nice to them and the ugly ones are mean to you because you are mean to them? Why that would make you an asshole!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-23 15:25 ID:Heaven

I think it's more that he cares about the nice girls so what they have to say doesn't appear that much annoying, and he's annoyed already by the mere presence of the "ugly/fat" ones so he can't stand when they speak.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-23 20:00 ID:sbOJ40yY


I had the same experience, op.

And lol @ all the butthurt fat ugly girls (or trolls?) jumping this thread.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 00:34 ID:MPYtyVKT

OP here, I tend to make an effort to be nice to these girls, because I pity them.

But once they learn that I am somebody who actually listens to them, they seem to just jump on it and start going at it. Since I'm too nice to ever tell them to just shut up, they don't seem to realize that being obnoxious is not the way to make friends.

And yeah, my reasoning is biased. I just wish nature would be more balanced in the way it granted the women in my life gifts of beauty/sociability. Then I wouldn't have to feel guilty that the only women I hate seem to all be fat/ugly.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 01:02 ID:Heaven

You're an intolerant, ignorant, shallow fuck.
Enjoy your pointless conversation, meaningless drivel, and whatever else.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 03:11 ID:mFj5exoH

In my school, there's a variety of fat and ugly chicks. Most of them are hispanic. So generally they're loud and obnoxious.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 17:07 ID:H5/C5L7Y

>because I pity them


12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 19:36 ID:Heaven

So many butthurt females. The truth hurts doesn't it?

13 Name: bingo : 2008-09-24 20:47 ID:a89t0DIO

I fail to see what point you are trying to make. If there is some fat loser out there being obnoxious why not let them make an ass of themselves and ignore them? And if you don't like these people why are you trying to be friends with them?

This generalization thing strikes me as weird. There are plenty of those "fine tittied bitches" out there that are gogeous but you want to slap upside the head when they start speaking. There are also plenty of people that are kind, caring, have a great sense of humor but aren't the prettiest people around. And then there are fat ugly obnoxious bitches and people that are both caring, sweet and drop dead georgeous.

OP, and the people voicing their agreement to him, you are mistaking looks for personality. This is shallow and pathetic, and instead of trying to prove your prejudice be honest and admit you're shallow. Don't try to be friends with people you don't like, don't pretend to be nice or pity someone for their appearance. Be honest, and be friends with the people you enjoy. I bet everyone has a friend out there that isn't pretty but is great to be around none the less. Remember bitches and assholes come in all shade, shapes, sizes and appearances.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 20:53 ID:Heaven

He's trying to be nice to them because he thinks they're his only hope for getting laid. His resulting frustration is natural; what girl would want to be nice to people who are obviously only being nice to them because they're bottom feeders and just want to get laid?

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-24 20:55 ID:Heaven


So many woman-haters who haven't the courage to aim higher, and so must pick on people they see as lower on the ladder, because it's easier. I bet you got picked on a lot at school. Poor thing.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-26 05:01 ID:eUNS8LyP

Hey have you guyz ever seen Norbit?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-26 05:13 ID:Heaven


>and so must pick on people they see as lower on the ladder because it's easier

That's the point of making fun of people. Reaffirming your own worth by pointing out the flaws of lesser people. If you're angry because you're fat and people make fun of you then lose fucking weight. The world doesn't have to cater to you because you can't take care of yourself. But of course there could always be some other cause for being overweight... but I guess then you're just fucked, eh?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-26 12:37 ID:Heaven

Not that I agree that much with him, but picking on ugly/fat women doesn't make you a woman-hater, just an asshole or whatever. HURRR FEMINISM HURRRR. Please stop being a waste of time, space, and precious bits of data.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-27 14:28 ID:qjSUjAwl


Lose some weight, fatty.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-27 15:45 ID:Heaven

Rewire your brain to accept a less confined aesthetic and moral sense of beauty.
Oh, wait, you're an idiot; that isn't possible.
I'll sacrifice myself as flamebait, so do as you wish.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-27 19:44 ID:Heaven

This thread is awful and you should all be ashamed of yourselves

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 05:03 ID:Heaven

Sorry, but if you are overweight you do not conform with society's current aesthetic ideals. If this bothers you then go lose some weight. This is reality here. No one has to cater to you and no one should have to. Deal with it and stop crying like a child.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 05:20 ID:Heaven

It's like I'm talking to a... a... god forbid, BRICK WALL.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 08:28 ID:Heaven

Rather a brick wall than a brick house, eh?

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 08:46 ID:/pzZFEIB


I really hit a nerve there, hm? Are you always reacting so angry when people give you an advice?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 08:54 ID:Heaven

No, I am "reacting so angry" when people make presumptions that are so terribly and laughably false as to frustrate me in trying to figure out whether they were joking or really are that stupid. I concluded you were the latter, and thus attempted to enlighten your dull, meek mind. I suppose it didn't work.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 11:31 ID:Heaven

You told him to accept overweight people as aesthetically pleasing. How is that enlightening him? People have different ideas of what is attractive, you know. If he doesn't find fat women attractive, he doesn't.

Asking him to improve his mental capacities is no different from asking overweight people to improve their physical capacities. Why don't you rewire your brain to accept a more common mindset?

28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 11:56 ID:Heaven


>>Asking him to improve his mental capacities is no different from asking overweight people to improve their physical capacities.

I'm getting trolled so hard. God. Damn. It.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-28 14:26 ID:/pzZFEIB

Bump for angry fatty.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 05:24 ID:Heaven

Former fatty, newly skinny female here. I've lived in both worlds; I was the "semi-homely/pudgy" girl, and now I'm the "rather pretty/waifly" girl. But I've always been a very kind, polite, warm, caring and empathetic person with a dry sense of humor no matter my size or shape. Part of that stems from an extreme inferiority complex, OCD, and chronic depression, but I have received praise from most of the people I have ever met for being so careful with and conscious of other's feelings and for being a good person over all. People have always liked me for my personality; it's a fact. It didn't matter that I was heavy, and it doesn't matter that I'm thin. People have liked me for me because I'm a kind person. For me, my personality has spoken volumes over my physical being. If I had been a bitch when I was heavy, I don't think that getting in shape and taking better care of myself would have swayed many people to want to be around me now if I were still a bitch.

But it wasn't until I lost weight and got into shape that people started complimenting me on my physical qualities as well. I never dated when I was heavy; I had lots of guy-friends that I really clicked with, but not one of them ever expressed romantic interest in me. After shaping up, however, I turn heads in crowded places, I get cat calls from passing cars, guys (and some girls) are especially attentive to and seemingly interested in me, and I've started dating for the first time.

I have noticed a difference in the way people have perceived me since I thinned down, but an awful lot of it makes me angry. These people who previously didn't want much of anything with heavy-me have spun round to take my hand now that I'm thin. And that's bullshit. But it seems to be the way of the world. People, in general, are shallow. The world is a wonderful place filled with shitty people. Not everyone is shit, of course, but when most of the people you meet indeed fit that bill, it's hard to believe there's much else to humanity.

It's important to remember that not all fatties are obnoxious bitches, and not all obnoxious bitches are fatties. The same thing goes for plastic whores and niceness. Every person is different; personality and physical appearance are not relative. The [generalization] in this thread is damned appropriate.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 12:32 ID:GID5TLam

I think the real question is: is being fat the fault of the individual or are there cases when it cannot be helped (such as a genetics). I don’t know the answer, but here are two hypotheticals:

If it is the fault of the individual then he or she can willingly gain or lose weight according to any aesthetic, or health, value he or she may possess. Any argument in favour of one or the other ultimately must settle with individual preference.

If it cannot be helped, such as a genetic determination (e.g. metabolism, hereditary), then weight discrimination is unjustified. Yet, as technology advances, even this biological argument diminishes.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 15:08 ID:Heaven

Some people have genetic issues. They should not be discriminated against. Most people just eat too much. It's their fault if they're laughed at. The problem is that you can't just look at someone most of the time and tell which one it is.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 16:36 ID:GID5TLam

You’re right that it is hard to tell.

Other than insulting those who ‘just eat too much’ (insults are not productive), I agree with you.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 16:53 ID:suDDeGtI


youre pretty self-critical, hm

35 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 19:26 ID:Heaven


The people who are fat because of genetics make up far fucking less then 1% of the whole over weight population.

Slow / Fast metabolism doesn't mean shit, I have a slow metabolism, what difference does it make? I spend far less money shopping for food. That is all.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 22:14 ID:Heaven



37 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-30 04:18 ID:Heaven

Curvy girls are the best :3

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-30 07:41 ID:Heaven

Oh, is the percentage that low? I knew they were in the minority but I didn't know there were that few of them. Interesting.

39 Name: DQN : 2008-09-30 19:23 ID:Heaven

>People, in general, are shallow. The world is a wonderful place filled with shitty people.

I just wanna post this is response to every thread here.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-30 20:03 ID:scbBu6p5


lol i replied to the wrong topic

41 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-30 22:15 ID:ycfciHhO

Really the best question is:

Why the fuck are girls who have everything to lose and nothing to gain by being cunts the cuntiest cunts of them all? The sister in the Sopranos is a good example.... I can't count how many bovine shrews I've known like that.

Really though, I think on a graph with niceness on the y axis and prettiness/thinness on the x axis, it is a pretty sharp bell-curve. The kindest women I know are average-looking.

I have absolutely no sexual or other problem with average-looking women. I find probably over a good half of women in my age range to be completely fuckable.

My girlfriend, for instance, won't ever be a supermodel, she is slightly under the average weight for her height, has a cute face (most women do) and everything that makes a man tick.

Now, I have had opportunities with very exceptionally physically attractive women. Know what? I looked at the situation honestly and concluded that, since I don't do one-night-stands, it was completely out of the question because a serious relationship with any of these rude bimbos probably would end with her in a woodchipper.

42 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-01 06:14 ID:fuaqJshL


rock on

43 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-01 19:03 ID:gZv5iqVw


I'll do it in my imagination for you.

Wow, it works!

44 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-01 23:34 ID:VO8aFGn3

I fear that the enfattening of the western world will inevitably result in the fatty population completely outnumbering and dominating the few remaining slim individuals. When this happens we shall surely be eaten, and the fatty triumph will be complete.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-03 03:24 ID:84mjzYeN

War on fatterrorisism.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-03 04:07 ID:Heaven

ITT awful jokes

47 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-15 11:32 ID:1qoEs/jW

My oppinion about these things, is that everyone usually is different. However I have found in the last couple years, that it seems whether they realize it or not, but the overweight female population tends to have personality changes based on that fact.
I notice they tend to be so uncomfortable about themselves they seek groups that they may feel accepted in. Goths seem to fit in that category quite well.
Another number 1 thing I notice, is the HATRED for anyone thinner. Now, all of them may not be obvious enough to be able to notice this directly, but deep within there is a lurking unholy hatred.
And then there really are a group of nice, respectable ones. But they are few to none and quite rare.
Some even grow so miserable with themselves they tend to become exactly as the original poster (>>1) talked about.
Maybe it's that female concept of being extremely sensitive about themselves, so when this happens they grow bitter.
Sometimes so bitter they turn these ways, and going beyond, possibly into lesbianism, and weird rituals or demonic practices. XD
Oh and you out there who say you are like >>3 and admit because you don't care...the answer is you do, deep down if you don't realize even, and that you've become so bitter with hating obscenely, unhealthy, selves that you become negative and hurt other's lives.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-15 15:17 ID:Geb2fdaf

It's not so much a question of ugliness or being overweight, but rather of bitterness.

It's veeeery hard to be a nice person when you are bitter, regardless of physical appearance.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-19 05:16 ID:ka6MvEar

50 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-19 05:50 ID:Heaven

The cockroach is beautiful, but there's no fat ugly girl in your pic

51 Name: cornshit : 2008-11-05 14:27 ID:P5q0nc3g

you can spot one at mcd's and bk, that's for sure!

52 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-10 18:46 ID:FkSATxez


>Not everyone is shit, of course

No, not you of course, you're a very kind, polite, warm, caring and empathetic person with a dry sense of humor and a good person over all... I think IRL you are the exact person OP described.



53 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-10 23:56 ID:Heaven

Eh, because they don't care about mating with idiots such as yourself?

54 Name: JohnT : 2009-08-13 04:43 ID:KSwDLIXe

Anyone who claims that they don't care what people think of them shouldn't be taken seriously as they're a liar and insecure. I decided.

All people care what other people think of them, it's just a matter of how much they let that affect them is the difference.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-13 20:07 ID:Ll8ImfTl


I support your generalization to the limits of it's usefulness.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-14 13:27 ID:OHG7X1ix

I never had trouble talking or hooking up with pretty girls.. fat girls however always gave me attitude. shit they won't even give you the time of day if you asked on the street. A hot girl will.

57 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-14 18:20 ID:FDMUGnb/

But what if you want a pretty girl who doesn't hook up with every other guy?

58 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-15 10:51 ID:TP+Ih68U

> OP here, I tend to make an effort to be nice to these girls, because I pity them.
> pity them.
> pity

Have you ever thought that this is the reason why you are given attitude?

59 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-16 20:27 ID:IdtuVODy

Fatness reflects of lot of bad personal characteristics. Lack of willpower, complacency, lack of interest in physical activities.

60 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-16 21:21 ID:Ll8ImfTl


I reject your generalization in all situations where it could ever apply.

61 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-17 13:50 ID:OHG7X1ix


Hey a vag is a vag is avag.. even the sweetest vag has been places. don't ask. be grateful its your turn.

62 Name: Anonymous : 2009-11-28 03:01 ID:/M8M4o6C

All women are fucking stupid, unless fatcells throttle braincells I don't think their weight matters.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-14 19:21 ID:eWExdBQY


You haven't met any fat women yet, hm.

64 Name: Tim Giangiobbe : 2010-02-09 19:58 ID:nxF8zTZj

I have found a lot of loud mouths to be just that a BOVINE.I guess it is their way of compensating for lack of looks.Funny thing is if they were not foul mouthed I would find them nicer to talk to than the arrogant narcissistic attention whores wearing those god forsaken stilettos.I find thick gals with shoes that are simple yet nice and clothes from Old Navy or Ross are real,unlike the fashion victim with a fat ass credit card bill evry month.Then you have the ocassional bovine that trys to dress in stilettos.She looks like someone strapped big black boats to her hoofs.I swear it is a comedy.I suppose the sales person was not honest enough to say"Face it honey your FAT and it just wont work.The Moo Moos are in the sports department now scurry along."They are afraid of getting there ass kicked.The fat spiked heel woman would hurt.I am sure that some guy is turned on and sweating by now.They like to pork the porkers.hah hah To each their own I guess.I bet it would be a lot more fun than a skinny crack head.I am so damn mean and that is all there is to it.I don't like crack whores skinny or fat. GOD BLESS US ALL

65 Name: i hate fat bitches : 2010-02-16 16:09 ID:WXqjpCJB

This is what I think about fat slobs that are bitches. They are so fucken annoying and love to do work on their labtops because they think their cool. Fuck bitches in general, but fat bitches are awful. Fuck bitches, get money peaaaaaaace

66 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-17 05:24 ID:a2Yh+Tdd

I recently have things for girls who talk loudly (like real loud when speaking normal conversation). I just find the characteristic very comforting, well maybe because I don't speak much too...

67 Name: Anonymous : 2010-05-24 23:11 ID:ti01OH9p

I have noticed the same trend... the fat ugly girls are super annoying and loud mouthed. It appears that it is some kind of psychological defense mechanism that they obtain.

68 Name: Juci : 2010-08-29 22:33 ID:mWego1V3

I think the loud mouth has to do with culture more so than whether you are fat or not. LOL Case in point, Cubans are known to be loud when they speak. It doesn't matter whether one is thin, fat or what have you they will speak to a person as if he or she is twenty feet away. It's their way of including and inviting the whole block into the conversation. In the US, at least, most people prefer to keep A and B conversations, but most Cubans aren't like this... they make it into a A,B C, D,E,F and etc conversation. They believe the more the merrier. Of course, not all Cubans are like this, just most. I know this because I'm a Cuban living in a predominately Cuban city and I know when I or someone within the hood get really excited over a topic anyone who is in a thirty feet radius he or she will hear it. I also talk with my hands a lot. LOL I've also found out that most Italians are the same (again I'm not saying ALL of them, just MOST). They speak very loud and use their hands to communicate.

Again it has to be your up bringing and the culture you're living in. Most females and males, that I know of, who are fat (in my city)tend to be very polite and soft spoken, while people who are skinny tend to be boisterous, obnoxious and rude (always interrupts you). I'm guessing that due to these people being overweight they have big personalities to go along with their weight (no need to be obnoxious and loud). However, I can only say this from my own city. With that said, the generalization of the argument within this article is weak. Just because your neighborhood/city has these females who are overweight behaving obnoxious and rude don't mean the whole population of females who are overweight are like this. The article needs further investigation and exploration outside of the authors' own little world.

Finally, the whole thing of "society can't change, you have to" is totally and utterly childish garbage. We don't discriminate folks due to sex, race, ethnicity, religion or with a disability, so why do that to people with weight issues. I dare any of you f*ck-tards to walk up to an individual with disability and say "Society can't change, you have to." I bet that individuals' care giver would clean the streets with your blood...and I hope they do. sighs

To add to that, doesn't the school system teach any of you history? I swear any one who actually believe in "Society can't change..." is a retard and lives under a rock. Through out history society has done nothing but to change, cater, and accommodate people. Years back people with disabilities were institutionalized, because they weren't what society at that time deemed as worthy citizens or the face of valuable human beings. Now there are laws that make it against the laws to discriminate them. Society had changed to cater to these individuals. If you don't know this, please do society a favor and go back to school little child.

BTW, the most successful people I ever meant are all over 180 pounds. I rather be a rich, obnoxious, "fat" bitch than a poor, nice, "skinny" bitch (the adjectives to describe peoples' body shapes are in quotes due to relativity).

The way I see it as... the world is a cruel, heartless, violent,unjust, brutal, obnoxious, boisterous place, in order to survive it, you have to be the same.

To Anonymous : 2008-09-29 05:24 ID:Heaven,
I went through the same transformation myself. When it came to those who finally noticed me, even after years of being in the same class, I tell them to fuck off. Why should I care for them and their feelings, when they never had cared for me until I was a size 6. Such shallow people deserve to die as virgins, so they don't spread that bullshit into the next generation. After all, we should advance and evolve as a species, not turn the clocks of time and act like primitive monkeys.

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