I've spent the last ten year of my life being alienated from and hating my peers. I labored under the illusion that as time progressed they would grow up, stop being stupid, hedonistic bastards, that is what everyone told me would happen. But it never did, the peer group I had ten years ago is still as disgusting and short sighted as ever.
I hate everyone around me more than ever it seems, and I spend less and less time interacting with them, I end up avoiding them in my room or walk around with my headphones on.
Anyone else feel the same way?
Hey, welcome to misanthropy. There are breadsticks over there, some pizza, and shrimp cocktails as well. The alcohol is right here. Drink up.
You know where your father keeps his gun. Make them pay OP.
They are evidently not your true peers. Go find people you identify with. Don't be constrained by generational, national, sexual, or any other social boundaries.
When I was in high school, almost all of my friends were artsy females, I'm a very non-artsy male, but they were infinitely more tolerable than any of the other white trash douche bags and ghetto negras I went to school with.