Jobless loser's rant (24)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 23:34 ID:AaUM1/Kg

op here, sorry but that's not gonna change how I think. The only reason why these teachers with "masters" are teaching is because they can't do the things that their papers say they are qualify for.

Sure they got a masters, they probably got the jobs too for only a week before being fired because they don't do their job and they don't know how to do it. So they are forced to go into teaching which is less pay.

Noone in their right mind that can really do their job, would want to teach for a hell lot less pay. ESPECIALLY someone who can configure a cisco routers and subnet a network. The only reason would be you can't actually do it when needed. I'm not looking to be some faggot who can write the best essay in the world but can't do what he writes.

You make think the world is all about papers to bs your way into jobs. But that one network administrator I met in my internship, tells me otherwise. You'll get the job for sure with papers. But holding the job is a different story.

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