Jobless loser's rant (24)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 08:58 ID:r2SHMEld

I know what you mean. People wave around degrees like they're treasures, but in reality degrees don't mean much these days, what with everyone and their mother having one. It's the experience and connections you make in college that's really important, the idea of living on your own and experiencing a taste of the outside world.

Anyway, another internship or two might be good for you, regardless of whether they're paid or not; experience is experience, and nobody really cares if it says on your resume that you got money for it or didn't get money for it. The important thing is to keep in contact with those people, and ask them to look for job openings for you. Be ready to travel if you need to; sometimes the good paying jobs won't be within arm's reach, but it's definitely worth a plane ticket and a cheap apartment if it means you can afford to live on your own. If it means doing odd jobs here and there to raise some money, so be it. Youth lasts longer than people think, and spending a year painting houses and fixing/building computers for people to save up cash is worth it when you finally can afford to live on your own.

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