Talking to myself. (20)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 03:36 ID:B03ZSuX2

I talk to myself a lot. I argue with myself, debate myself, have discussions. I say things to myself as if I were another person in the room listening to me speak, and then imagine what that person would say in response.

Needless to say, I'm not a very social person.

Is this weird? For other people who talk to themselves, what do you talk to yourself about? What do you do when talking to yourselves? Have you ever thought that it might be weird that you talk to yourself?

For people who don't talk to themselves, do you think it's weird that people do talk to themselves? If not, why not?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 05:12 ID:+0HYgxMT

Mostly philosophically themed ideas, ideas that would be fun to tell if there were actually someone around to tell them to.

Sometimes I experience it as a welcome exercise to be able to impress the rare visitor with a ridiculously difficult idea. Though lately, especially since talking to myself is starting to include my body language, I've been a bit concerned about my mental health. If someone were to see me, they'd definitely classify me as a loony. I don't feel truly insane (yet), but these are sure as hell signs my social isolation is starting to effect me deeper than expected.

Alas, people are built to be with other people.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 06:35 ID:DD0ANlQM

I usually try to avoid talking to myself, as I have seen people talking to themselves on the streets, public transport. It looks like the more you do it, the more normal it looks to you and might happen that you lose your mind or control over it. So like when i talk to myself, i sort of think out loud, or when i read i actually speak words sometimes.
But i try to avoid actually talking to myself.

4 Name: Martyr-kun : 2008-10-12 07:35 ID:fXOHqsWZ

OP are you referring to talking to yourself out loud or internally? It seems to me that talking to yourself out loud would be a simple violation of courtesy of other people who don't want to hear your inner dialogue.

I'm not sure if this is normal, but much of my thoughts are internally vocalized through a mock conversation with myself. I wouldn't consider that strange or a source of worry if your ideas and conclusions are logically sound.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 10:28 ID:O9UkTRY1

When I'm alone, yes. I also do many other "strange" vocal things, such as humming or whistling for really loudly for long periods of time because I HAVE to hear music out loud sometimes. I suppose it has to do with hypersensitivity and my extremely high musical aptitude. There's also the ease with which I can, like you, imagine a participant in the discussion.

It's, uh, not normal. At least in terms of people with lower intelligence having little or no desire to be creative.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 14:20 ID:B03ZSuX2

I only talk to myself when I'm alone, which is most of the time. I'd say that on any given day I talk to myself far more than I talk to other human beings.

I have logical conversations with myself. When I talk aloud, I'm representing my view, whereas I imagine mentally what the other person in the conversation would say. If it's a debate, then I say aloud both sides of the argument.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 21:45 ID:5edyes0G

I often have long conversations all by myself, and I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-12 22:16 ID:/x6/e3oj

As >>5 , I mumble, vocalize, do strange sounds, everything, then say some nonsense.

Sometimes, I feel I have autistic tendencies, as I move aimlessly while talking to myself.

I'd like to say it isn't normal to have external discussions with oneself. But, considering every reply in this thread, I'm beginning to think it just happens like that to some people.

What causes dialogue with oneself? Social reclusion? The subconscious taking over? I don't know, but I'd like to.

9 Name: bingo : 2008-10-13 02:20 ID:T0geU1ib

I talk to myself all the time, vocally when alone, and in my head when I'm in public. I am more on the social side, though. You probably just talk to yourself because you want to be intellectually engaged, but have no one else to talk with. There's nothing wrong with that, and the only way you could solve it is by talking to others that would take the other side of the discussion. Maybe joining a philosophy club, or a debate club?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-13 02:57 ID:IaYsS3HH

I talk to myself all the time, usually regarding points of philosophy. You just can't talk about that kind of stuff with most people. The eyes glaze over and they start getting that dazed look, like they wish they were somewhere else. The only way for me to get my fix is to talk to myself.

I'm also an actor, so I'll frequently improv with myself -- I'll craft an impromptu script in my mind, and act out both parts. This helps me experiment with diction and body language.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-13 03:41 ID:DD0ANlQM

There is this guy who every time he eats makes strange voices/sounds. Like every time he takes a bite, he's HHMmmmmmmmmmmmmm VERY GOOD! all the time.. he's taking like 50 bites and does that every time. I can understand when you appreciate food in the middle of the meal and do it once or twice as its decent then. But what the fuck is going on after every BITE?!! C'mon now!

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 01:57 ID:IaYsS3HH


Maybe he's just exceptionally appreciative.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 18:33 ID:ALvC0NX7

As long as you are aware of it, I don't see a problem.

People think to themselves, yet when the thinking is out loud it is considered crazy even if the thoughts being expressed remain the same.

I talk to myself and I also engage in the conversation-with-self as another person thing you described. I think everyone shares a natural ability to hold another person's personality in their conscious mind and prod it for responses.

If it really bothers you, wear a bluetooth earpiece, then people will simply assume you're a busy person with important things to say, seemingly, to yourself. :)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 23:32 ID:mxnmutbH

I don't really think there is anything wrong with talking to yourself. I think most people do in it their head constantly aren't less aware of it or something like that. In most cases I think that talking to one's self is just a sign they are thinking. I don't see anything wrong with using yourself as a sounding board.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 04:32 ID:9byPiVw+

Well my mom is a loner and she has a cat and she talks "to the cat" all the time, but it's issues she would like to address with me or my sister but doesn't have the courage to do (controversial issues). It's not exactly talking to herself but it's extremely annoying!!

On the other hand there was a girl in middle school who flat out talked to the air (herself) all the time, out loud, about EVERYTHING. This was kinda cute it made me want to hug her and shut her mouth with a kiss.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 04:43 ID:Heaven

You're an asshole.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 06:14 ID:rB9pJxrI

It's wierd I don't normally talk to myself even though I usually don't have anyone to talk to but I tend to talk to myself in social situations like when I go out in public at stores and various other social gatherings. It hasn't happened in the past its almost like I am making myself look insane to other people to avoid them. But I'm not doing it on purpose. I can only imagine what I must look like with my head down taking to myself about how much I like cheese crackers at the grocery store. I hate my subconscious

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 06:17 ID:Heaven

>>16, I'm not >>15, but I fail to see how he's an asshole, quite the contrary.

As for me, I'm ok with people talking alone, I also do it from time to time, but I find it irritating that people do it in the presence of other people. It's nothing serious, but I feel they are imposing themselves on others.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 06:51 ID:Heaven

There is no imposition. If you are unable to tolerate it, then leave them be.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 07:13 ID:Heaven

There is imposition when you have no choice but to hear the other person's ramblings (like in public transport). But it's no big drama, and I never did anything about it when faced with such situations. It's just not worth it.

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