Some sort of survey concerning misanthropy (21)

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-24 17:01 ID:sQfGYI8l

I think it started because of the massive amounts of bullying at school. I am from a very poor family, but I liked to read a lot, so I got good grades -> double the amount of torture. My only hope was to get away from my home town and to the country's best high school (where people with much worse grades than me got accepted), but my parents said they didn't have enough money, so I had to stay in the same school I loathed so much.

Since I had studied so well before (straight As), I didn't bother to do shit during high school and lost motivation to achieve anything. And during the final year, I got my front teeth punched in by the same bully I had had so many confrontations with before. No money to get teeth implants, no money for the lawyer (the bully's father is the owner of a local foresting company), so I just withdrew from life and spent my time playing Diablo 2 and Lineage 2.

Somehow I still got high scores from the national final exams and was accepted into the country's best university's Spanish studies department on a state-funded spot(3rd highest standards after law and English department). Now imagine a poor kid from a backwater town without front teeth trying to fit in that crowd... Yeah... I lasted for 1.5 years of shitty jobs, starving and no sex, before I just gave up and became a hikikomori for half a year.

At the moment I'm doing my compulsory military service, still a virgin and with no teeth, contemplating suicide each time I am given live rounds, but for some incomprehensible reason I live on, hoping to find somebody to love. And yet I hate everything around me and fuck with the minds of the few people who actually have taken a liking to me.

So, this is my story of starting to hate people. In short the formula is no sex + no recognition = HATE.

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