I wish to be a girl... (47)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-02 21:23 ID:ufepi6h8

It's a mixture of the two. I don't care about having a vagina, but I would want to be everything else about a woman (I am indeed stereotyping).

I want to dress as a woman, to express myself as a woman, to openly BE a woman, but at the same time the possession of a vagina would make me no more a woman than downing estrogen pills and growing breasts. I want to be loved, to be taken care of, to be submissive, to be and do everything a (stereotypical) female can be and does do.

Maybe I'm just afraid of the idea of a sex change. When I stop and think about it I know I would much prefer a wholly female body, but as much as I know that it also terrifies me. I really am a weak person.

Where would I go about reading Jung?

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