I wish to be a girl... (47)

28 Name: Link48010 : 2009-02-26 03:59 ID:DnX41Gda

I'm transgendered as well, I'm andro which means I have no direct mental gender identity. I guess it makes most full transgendered people lucky, because at least they know what they want to be, me on the other hand, I was once asked "if you'd like to be treated as a boy or a girl" by a friend on the net, and I was like "duh........ I don't know >_>". My advice is always 'if it makes you happy, go for it.' Just be sure to see a therapist and have an actual doctor give you hormones if you do. Also, a way to gauge if you'd really be happier or not is to start drinking soy milk/soy products. Soy has chemicals in it that replicate estrogen, if you have depression and you think it's based on your gender identity, if you mood improves thats a pretty good indication that you should go with it.

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