I wish to be a girl... (47)

40 Name: Alana : 2009-03-09 21:25 ID:e7Wt6m+Q

Well - it was always wrong for "the others", the mob. For me it was more of "i don't understand what is gender, sex and what's the fuss with it" than "i'm in the wrong body". As if i had none. And it was since the earliest years.
I started suspecting that i may be transgendered when i was about 22 when i got the internets. You know - online sex change is way too simple and... one day i realized that i use my male name only for official stuff like internet banking and school and i basically "live" in my mind and online as Alana. Then came my ex GF and realtionship with her. How it progressed and how it ended ensured me that i'm indeed transexual and that i need to do something about it. But at this point, 3 years ago my life, my mind was badly messed up and it took me another 1.5 years of fighting with myself, family, doctors to get what i needed. Basically i had to do whole treatment myself - starting from psychological stuff finishing with getting my hands on proper medicine and using it. It thought me very much about myself and how the world REALLY works and how i can use it for my own needs. Now all i need is legal status changed and surgery but thats hard to do on your own so i need to see proper doctor.

PS: i'm not US citizen
PS2: for my family members and those "friends" who refuse to accept me as i am all i have is a knuckle sandwich and they know they will get it when they motivate me [piss me off] enough so its not a matter to worry about anymore

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