If you have any information on what I'm supposed to be doing, please post it here. Your aid is appreciated.
Do you have any 7-11s in your area? If you do, you should go there. Get yourself a two liter of Pepsi and something that ends in "ito" (cheetos, doritos, doritoes, etc). Possibly some bad pizza or something. If there is a woman behind the counter, ask her if she is the slurpee pimptress. Regardless of her answer, ask her for more information about what you are supposed to be doing. If it is not a woman, ask him if the slurpee pimptress is available. Also, ask him if you can buy some weed. Let us know when you find out who you are ^_^
If you do not have a 7-11 in the area, you must go on a road trip. The only state I've been in without a 7-11 is Wisconsin, so it's quite probable that you have a 7-11 in the area. If you don't, however, you should get some friends in your car and drive to Chicago. Make a tape of it while you do it. Then watch the tape while high and then record yourself doing that. Watch the tape of you being high watching yourself be high, and watch that when you're sober.
Good luck, and tell the slurpee pimptress Link says "hi".
If you're like me, you know what you should be doing, why you're doing it, and how to do it, but you have a million reasons for doing otherwise and a million counter-reasons for doing otherwise otherwise. You grow tired of the pointless upheaval of twisted logic, and tend to drown it all in alcohol or furious masturbation, which you endure until passing out.
What you need to do, is to provide some background information on yourself so we can assist you further. Otherwise all efforts are futile.
Sell your soul.