Can't get a job!!! (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-03 16:46 ID:n0JNwzqc

I have a serious problem that has plagued me for just over a year now: I cannot seem to find a job! I fill out applications, I talk to managers, and for the most part I can't seem to get past that. When I do get interviews, I'm always declined.

I don't get it; I keep my hair nice-looking, I keep well-shaved, I wear good clothes to my interviews/application filing, I am very genteel in my approach to managers, and when I have discussed these problems candidly with other people, they have said they are not sure what I'm doing wrong.

There are some problems that I think are problematic for me: I have very sporadic work experience: fast food cook, library shelf worker, waiter/server, and secretary/telemarketer for my local symphony orchestra. Here's the problem: due to moving often, going back and forth to school, and health problems, I have often had to quit jobs after 3-4 months. I also have gone a year without work due to having to be in intensive therapy and recovery for a nervous breakdown and a very traumatic experience I had back in spring 2007. With such sporadic work experience, I think I look undependable and flaky. Even when I explain that I have had health problems (but am fully recovered and that they should not be a problem any further), they still turn me down.

So, here is what I ask: what kind of job could I be looking for that would be most likely to hire me with such on-and-off working time and with such an eclectic mix of work experience? I simply can't keep living off my rich grandparents while going to school, because it's unfair to them and it's high time I get with the "real world". Any ideas?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-03 16:48 ID:Heaven

No thanks @ the real world

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-03 17:12 ID:PSyfiXNi

Are you sure you have the qualifications for the job you are seeking?

As for the lack of reliability, you could try to do an internship as a stepping stone, so that you get to know the people and they get to know you,...

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 14:54 ID:jQ51gXdx

>>Are you sure you have the qualifications for the job you are seeking?

That's the problem: there are so many retail stores out there, but I have no experience in retail. Same goes with so many other places... Like I said, my work experience is very patchwork.

>>As for the lack of reliability, you could try to do an internship as a stepping stone, so that you get to know the people and they get to know you,...

Internships do not pay. I need money here, people. What the hell is a man supposed to do?!

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 16:19 ID:qCEwCZKw

OP, dont mention health problems. Just say yoy have had INJURIES in your past, but as you are not planning getting injured again you are one of the best candidate who is willing to give not 100, but 120% into the job and duties. Just seem as confident as possible and name things with different names.

Manages usually dont want to know that their workers have had problems with nerves or any breakdowns or anything mental. They are looking for stable, confident, fast, a person who is willing to give more than asked. Just mention you study very fast and new things are challenging and you basically love to work, despite the fact that your resume might not look so well.

Good luck OP! Self advertisement = look as healthy, confident, friendly, smiling, happy, willing, etc.. as possible

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-05 00:34 ID:g+SjeVUs

I don't mention my MENTAL health, that would be stupid. When managers have asked me "Why were you out of work for so long?" I usually say "I was in the midst of some serious health difficulties that, at the time, needed intensive treatment and extra care, which kept me out of work for a while. However, I want to stress that I am now fully recovered from my health troubles and they should not present a problem with my abilities to perform my job." Still, nothing.

>>Just mention you study very fast and new things are challenging and you basically love to work, despite the fact that your resume might not look so well.

Do that.

>>look as healthy, confident, friendly, smiling, happy, willing, etc.. as possible

I do that too... as one manager said to me "You have an amazing personality and you're very intelligent, and you'd make an excellent addition to any team. However, your seeming inability to hold a job makes me suspicious, and thus I am going to have to decline your application."

(sighs) I just don't get it.

7 Name: b : 2008-11-05 08:06 ID:qCEwCZKw


i think the key word is how you explain the reason you have not been working loyally enough. so i think if you say that so perfectly it still kind of hints to your mental side of the health. I think its easier to say you have had "injuries" make it sound like it was physical, just add there that you are fully recovered now.

as im saying, the "serious health difficulties" and "intensive treatment" makes it sound weird. specially as it has happen often. If u lie, nothing will happen. I don't think they will call to yer previous managers and ask about "your health". Little lies are sometimes okay to use, just go for it :)

Let us know how it goes then, k? ;)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-23 19:40 ID:NHjqWZt7

you may just have to put in the time doing a crap job for minimum wage just to get a solid chunk of time as work history. You might think it's below you and not at all an asset to your resume, but even working for somewhere like McDs for a solid year will help.

>>4 And since you say retail is ok.... McDonald's type work will count for you since it's service industry related. Plus McDs will give you health coverage while you try to make ends meet. Although if you can restaurant work and still get health insurance..... that might pay better. Serving tables counts as experience when it comes to retail. It means you know how to sell.

It might be best to simply suck it up and aim just a little lower at first. Get the long term work and stability that they're looking for. It's better than being jobless while you try for dream jobs for 3 months. 'Sides, a lot of the so-called compromise type jobs that ppl take.... they'll be flexible enough for you to have time left over to improve your resume in other ways as well.

9 Name: Scotland : 2008-11-24 16:55 ID:BR7ykXan

maybe its the current time...
right now, in the UK, there is 1.8m jobless people cause they had to be let go, from the credit crunch, right now companys and firms might not be willing to recruit.
once recession is over, thats gonna be within 1-2years, then you will have a better chance finding work.
just get the qualifications first, and such that gives them a reason to want you.
personallity, and what you do in your free time.
if you do something that is reliable and people can depend on you, in your social life you can use that as an example to build up a reason to recruit you.
you have references that can describe you in a good light?

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