In love with anime characters. (43)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-14 19:21 ID:eT9p3cze

>>9 pop stars are no more real than fictional characters in books or in anime. The only input you get from them is conveyed through the media, and as we know is only a projection for marketing purposes.

According to what you say, it's not ok to fall in love with Anna Karenina if I read her story in a book or as a comic. But if it's a movie? Will it be ok? Or it's only ok to fall in love with the actress herself? But the little I know about that actress just makes her as fictional as Anna.

Love in desire are internal emotions that sometimes require little external input (otherwise how could you suddenly fall in love? You don't even know the person). Because of this, it's common for humans to fall in love with which are not even real humans, just like some flowers abuse insects into thinking they are a mating partner.

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