Destructive thoughts (12)

10 Name: nessi-pooh : 2008-12-12 04:56 ID:lRfYugV8

My family gets on my nerves a lot. It's not just the whole "oh yeah, families fight all the time." It's kind of different.
For example today as soon as I got home from school I fell asleep and when I woke up my parents were home. I was up maybe for five minutes and my mother started blaming me that I was the reason dinner was burned. Then she yelled at me for not knowing where my shoes were. Then she just yelled, made faces, and called me names that were uncalled for. To be honest, I had just woken up. I didn't say a single word until after she started yelling and they were just "yes" or "okay." I try to be respectful of my mother, but she's just so angry all the time, plus the fact that she hates me. Yes, my mother hates me; She wants me out of her life because I'm a "useless, worthless burden." It hurts a lot and I don't know what to do. Sometimes I want to punish myself for not being how they want me to be, other times I just want to snap back and yell at her. But that would be disrespectful and I just can't do that.

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