Faggot professors? (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 08:29 ID:Z0JzwNgC

How do I deal with this constant barrage of male "professors" who like the cock? It's fucking irritating...

Last year I had a professor who taught phonetics. He was the most cum guzzling faggot ass you could imagine when it came to test questions.

This year I'm in a similar situation. I'm taking this class, and I knew it was going to be trouble on the first day when I heard him explaining concepts like frequency and period from acoustics that I know well, but somehow the way he was explaining it confused me!! In general I find it hard to communicate with the guy, and all of this was before I knew he was gay..

Now I finally confirmed that the guy is gay and it's making things really hard... like to put up with his faggot ass... I wish I could've not found out he was definitively gay until after the semester... but what can I do??? There's a couple weeks left, but I want to write him a scathing ass review on the course since he is NOT tenured... I need this asshole to pay for his sins both spiritually and academically.

Advices pls?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 08:45 ID:Heaven

Homosexuals in academia are very common. Shut the fuck up and deal with it.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 09:12 ID:5ZLgskdk

i agree with 2. who cares if the person is straight, gay, bi, or what. what matters in the class is if they are good or bad at teaching, and since the teacher is bad at teaching, only ask about that. because the gay thing doesn't matter unless that teacher is hitting on you, checking you out, etc... if not, then it doesn't affect anything.

>>1 sounds like the kkk

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 10:16 ID:Heaven

Lol, this must be a troll, nobody is as rediculous as OP in real life.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 11:17 ID:Z0JzwNgC

I mean, I understand that homosexuals in academia are too common.. it's a massive problem with "liberal arts". Too much liberal, not enough arts.

In any event, I believe the two are related.

Some researchers have suggested that the size of structure of the brain referred to as the amygdala may have an influence on homosexuality. In straight men this structure is the smallest, in women it is larger, and interestingly in homosexuals it is the largest.

The amygdala helps us to quantify if a face is "male" or "female" and to adjust our lusts accordingly.

What I'm noticing, is that in the class of every teacher who is gay, they expect you to be able to identify with their homosexual urges by questioning the right answer on a written test by using misleading or unclear language. It is their job to write test questions that mean the same thing to every person. Homosexual professors fail at this.

How can I deal with this horrible, horrible professor and his faggot tendencies? "Shutting up" is not an option.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 14:35 ID:Heaven

>>5 Go away, troll.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-03 15:11 ID:Heaven

I think you're very confused about this issue yourself and are hiding behind easy prejudices. He's just a bad teacher, live with it.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-04 01:46 ID:Z0JzwNgC

I am confused about this issue. Hence my post on a board titled "Personal issues". I realize my response to his homosexuality can be considered irrational...

Anyway to add some closure, we were able to write course evaluations today and I was able to summarize my grievances for the class.

For example, many teachers use PowerPoint to lecture and will also provide access to .pdf versions of the slides to print as handouts. This guy for some reason refused to do this... until his favorite student asked for it, when the rest of us had been asking for it for a while... now he finally started doing this, but his willingness to only listen to the few favorites drives me up the wall...

I think I'm just using his sexual orientation as an easy prejudice to hide behind. There is some merit to it though, it seems like homosexual professors tend to talk about their sexuality much more than their straight counterparts.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-04 08:34 ID:5ZLgskdk

"it seems like homosexual professors tend to talk about their sexuality much more than their straight counterparts."

well... straight is so common, it would be boring to listen to listen to a person talk about it....

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-04 11:06 ID:jRWJgxDp

Obvious troll is homophobic.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-04 17:04 ID:txUgom58

I think that your confusing bad teaching with homosexuality. You have every right to complain about bad tests, bad lectures, confusing assignments, etc. You have no right to complain about his sexual orientation because that is not your business. You can complain if he is harrassing you or discussiong his personal sex life to everyone. Such discussions are not appropriate and should be reported. So learn the difference and let the gay people be gay. No one gives you shit for being straight, right?

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