Alright, first of all I want to say I've not had any friends since I was 11 (I'll be 20 soon). To be quite honest, I actually prefer this life style. For instance, not too long ago I've finally realized how...annoying, childish, and just overall sickening I've been despite my looking like the scrawny guy being victimized by everyone. I am comming clean: I am (or was) a bully, at least that's how I see it. Where things took a change for the better was when a girl showed...explicit interest in me. To make a long story short, I ignored her, eventually annoyed her, she got over her infatuation and I, retrospectively left heart broken, decided to put an end to my annoying interactions with anyone by "removing" myself from anything social (where things got better). Or at least tried.
Anyway, I'm in college now and its an obvious problem. I'm not social. Now I've heard the stories of everyones social dependence and assumed, foolishly, that I could use my quietness as an advantage by being invisible. And so the problem. A rather socially dependent girl is becoming very clingy, and unfortunately my submissive, stoic behavior is preventing me from finding a way out of this. The annoying social side of me got me out of any impending relationship before, but I cannot stand allowing that side of me to surface for obvious reasons. So, any similar experiences? I need a way out of this, or at least a way to make this no longer a problem
tell her you don't want to be in a relationship. if you're honest from the very beginning, she won't get hurt as badly. she'll still be upset but she'll get over it. don't lead her on.
why are you so afraid of relationships? you can't live your life alone forever.
I can understand the sentement. I used to want to be invisible, however I like human company now. Just tell her she is annoying, pesky and you just want her to go away. Being blatently honest works wonders.
I had a similar experience: socially withdrawn, and involuntarily confronted to a clingy woman that I did not know how to deal with.
In the end I moved to another country (nothing related to her), so the problem sorted himself out. Sorry if that's not an option for you ^_^
>>2 Fear indeed. Let's just say I have problems and expectations that prevent me from getting anything worthwhile out of this situation. I mean the girl is either deluded, dominating, or both (perhaps a bit exaggeration).
>>3 I may have to be blunt with this one. Unfortunately I've already made a big mistake. I gave her my phone number upon request. My being nice and cooperative is making matters worse.
>>4 Unrelated events often gets me out of troubling situations. Finals are coming up and I may be able to end this peacefully. New semester, new start.