So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

13 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-12-14 17:44 ID:ETtvFgZ8


Women aren't attracted to men. They're attracted to vague ideas of masculinity and shadows of personality like, "Oh he's confident,", "Or he had the guts to ask me out!" but good character is just icing on the cake. It's akin to finding prostitutes or serial killers sexy just because they have more guts than some shy guy who isn't spineless but doesn't go around doing crazy shit. Really I find the thought of even fucking them sickening. A man is attracted to real personality and decency but any achievements she's made or a bold personality is just icing on the cake. Women are freaks and until they acknowledge their screwy tastes in men and manipulative game playing and signal sending when it comes to men's feelings, they won't get equal rights despite how much they want them.

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