So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-25 21:41 ID:jPlQTic6

>Shy guys (or girls) are always disadvantaged in the game of seduction, simply because they refuse to make the first step, and rely non-shy people to do the job. This automatically rules out shy-shy pairings, and puts them in a disadvantage in a competition with a non shy person. It's not that shy people do not deserve a relationship, but it's harder for them to get one, just like it's harder for people with other disadvantages (handicapped, severely sick, with mental problems). It has nothing to do with justice.

This is OP, I think this is the truth of the situation. If you are shy you are going to be passed by because our society promotes outgoing individuals. The ones that get promoted and noticed are the assholes and the hot chicks.

I really think that both sexes approach each other equally, just that guys do it differently then girls do. Girls will get dressed up to get attention and will send signals. If I was to approach a guy I would most likely flirt and see how he responds. A positive response would lead to either dancing or a conversation and dating could progress from there. A rejection would be either no response or a negative one.

A shy guy will not notice the approach, or if he does he could take it the wrong way and react negatively. Shy people get the short end of the stick, but especially shy guys. Since your average guy is more direct he will likely win over the attention of a shy girl. But a shy guy will totally miss the approach of an average girl.

I'm sure a bunch of you think "well, if girls are approaching us why don't they just be more direct?" Because being a girl who's direct means you're a slut, a whore. Guys will reject girls just because they are direct. A nice girl can seduce and enchant without a word.

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