So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-24 04:54 ID:ETtvFgZ8

No what I mean is that across the global spectrum, a woman will rarely if ever make the move. Sure she might give off some half-assed hints but who in their right mind has the time for such intentional manipulation and deceitfulness? Look back in literature hundreds of years ago and you'll see women playing the same bullshit games. It seems as if women are genetically hardwired not to make their interests known, that it goes against everything in their grain to do so and that's why they don't, and what's more, if they don't, this is perfectly acceptable. For a guy? Oh no, if he doesn't make his interests known, then he's less of a man or he was a whiny douche bag who was just clinging to her, or was manipulative, etc. Never mind that guys have reasons to doubt themselves especially when they're consistently expected to go and get themselves burned without question!

Tell me, had you already been on good terms with your partner, that is to say, you approached her and started a good conversation with her before you started dating, or did she approach you out of the blue and propose the acquaintanceship? A woman will never approach someone who's shy either or who generally keeps to himself. No, she'll be far more attracted by the actions of someone who is as loud and arrogant as possible. Even though these personality types are abominable to begin with, why take a chance and talk to the guy minding his own business in the corner? No confidence clearly is key and anything that passes for confidence, ie arrogance, still is perfectly preferable to someone who keeps to himself right?

Please. Maybe if you stopped basing everything on "signals" and instead realized that sometimes people can misread each other or are too mature to have their mind wrapped so around signals in the first place, you'd learn something. Believe me when I say that guys are consistently expected to go out and grill their asses. For you to dismiss that as nothing or that they weren't preoccupied with your juvenile tendency towards signals gives good reason as to why guys complain about women.

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