So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

51 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-25 16:49 ID:ETtvFgZ8

Uhhh, see the thing with women is that they all seem to lack empathy and they all seem to be liars. They won't ever tell you directly what they want where as with all other forms of interaction you at least have an idea what you're getting. With women and their screwy system? It's basically throwing darts in a dark room. How the hell can I respect anyone who intentionally throws this sheep's wool over my eyes? This isn't about failure and rejection, it's about jumping through flaming hoops then you realize you also have to land on a platform one inch long amongst a pit of spikes just to build a relationship with another human being who thinks their shit doesn't stink enough to warrant this. It's really appropriate when you realize that women are far more unpleasant than men in general as people.

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