So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

65 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-07 07:00 ID:ETtvFgZ8

Yes, clearly my lack of approaching girls means I lack confidence. It couldn't be that I'm generally not a take charge person in general or that I'm somewhat awkward when it comes to social situations, namely romance, and facing a sexual harassment lawsuit or generally making a fool out of myself. Never mind that this assertion leads away from the original problem which is that women rarely make their intents known to guys as is. Granted there have been girls who have bluntly made their interests known to me but these were few.

Your assertion that women only ask out confident guys is a false dichotomy saying that every guy who doesn't take charge or is outgoing is automatically spineless. It's why women go around complaining about their jerk boyfriend while they fail to notice that some of their friends are equally good relationship material or that there are people who they fail to notice period that are good relationship material. Granted such decency alone should not entail a date and you say that women should approach guys too, but when you say that I should automatically respond to the most obscure of signals, it does reinforce the notion of guys not only approaching first, but also that signals are acceptable in the first place when direct communication comes from someone respectable.

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