Lacking in motivation, desire, emotion, etc. (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-17 03:43 ID:YhQHnCFD

So yeah. Where should I begin?

Recently, I've found myself with a general lack of emotion. I mean, I'll have moments and spurts of it, but for most of the time, I will find myself generally literally apathetic. I'll sometimes even have to force myself to be sad for someone when they tell me something happened to them, and I'm even having to force myself to feel love for my girlfriend, or being happy when my friends are around. Hell, I'm beginning to get annoyed by them, simply because they're so damn... Energetic. I'd honestly would rather either be left alone, or just like, lay around with my friends, not even doing anything.

I don't even want to do anything any more, either. I mean, everything I'm doing is now simply because I CAN, because it's something to do, not because I necessarily WANT to. I'll do whatever keeps me from experiencing the most discomfort, or whatever I think might be able to elicit some kind of excitement in me, with the latter usually failing.

So yeah. Tell me, PI, what the hell is wrong with me, and how can I fix it, if I even can?

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