Lacking in motivation, desire, emotion, etc. (16)

11 Name: WorkItOut : 2008-12-20 16:53 ID:rY42u5us

>> 9
>Well, I always thought of suppressing my feelings as having them just not choosing to show them. I mean, I literally feel apathetic at times. I mean, I have to FAKE emotions so people don't get pissed at me.

Thats Life, I had this problem of feeling depressed and there was an Advice that has been given that, you should ignore your feelings, your own feelings get in the way of your life. you don't fake your emotions, rather you get rid of them, I got rid of all the un-necessary emotions by letting go, cutting it away from me.
You will have to Act on your Appearance that makes people happy and be an enjoyable person to be with instead of getting people pissed at you, those Deep-emotions make yourself look selfish and whenever you dont control them, that makes it look like you need a conforter, which is selfish, itself.

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