I hate xmas. I hate all the hypocrisy (is it written that way), the cheap gifts, the expensive gists, to be forced to share with all that people you somehow managed to avoid the rest of the year, etc etc etc. Even worst, i'm a devoted nonbeliever, and all the christian stuff that is thrown at me is making me sick.
come on brah! Christmas is about God anf Family, God doesn't want you to be miserable. I suggest you go to church and talk to a priest, you need GOD in your life!
Aw, you got to see Christmas the good way. I'm an Atheist too. My relatives creep me out, especially my cousins. Christmas celebrations are long and tireful and complicated and complex and everything.
But, on the other hand, you get to have a near endless supply of food (well, it holds in my case because I'm one of the younger generation), and nothing beats gifts.
Tomorrow, December 24th, it'll be my birthday. Woot! Food, brace yourself, I'm coming!
> (is it written that way)
If you're posting here, you shouldn't have to ask.
> Even worst, i'm a devoted nonbeliever, and all the christian stuff that is thrown at me is making me sick.
I used devoted in an ironic way. But really, I've got this grandmother who believes in a beardy old man sitting in a cloud (literally, her beliefs are not very sophisticated), and she forces the entire family to go to church, she also invites priests to the house, it's madness i tell you!
Since she is old and everytimes she gets upset she ends up in the hospital, nobody wants to tell her that three of her grandsons have been excomulgated. I'm one of those. My father knows, but somehow he still cannot understand i'm not a christian. He says thisngs like "in the bottom of your heart you still believe..." and such.
And i have to eat salad the whole week because i'm a vegetarian and the whole family insists on making beefs and barbeques.
I hate you for being so young and having no real problems.
see this for example:
>And i have to eat salad the whole week because i'm a vegetarian and the whole family insists on making beefs and barbeques.
Pumpkin Pie, Baked Squash, Baked Plums, Yams, Potato soup, Stuffing with vegetable broth, roasted chestnuts, french onion soup, gingerbread. There are no shortage of foods you could make yourself.
Like it or not, the God of the Jews and the best-selling book based on his adventures is part of the dominant culture. So is World of Warcraft and Pokemon, big deal, get over it.
i spent all my money on gifts, which i now regret :(
c'mon, it's just one day in the whole year, let me complain about it! D=
(I'm not that young anyways. I also hate the New Year. I guess i just hate these holidays.)
> He says thisngs like "in the bottom of your heart you still believe..." and such.
He's probably right.
> (literally, her beliefs are not very sophisticated)
Neither are yours.
You really have some pretty weak complaints. If you were a homosexual and your religious parents disowned you or you were deathly allergic to turkey and tinsel and the smell of pine trees, this would be legit.
Post again when you're ninety years old and you realize everyone you ever loved is dead. For now, enjoy your health, wealth and family.