This is a rant. (5)

1 Name: OP : 2008-12-29 17:38 ID:exMPj/2k

So, I just got grounded last night.

Want to know why?

For helping out a homeless shelter.

You heard me correctly.

So, what happened is that yesterday I did my weekly helping out at the homeless shelter, which I do every Sunday. My mom told me to be back at 7, just because. No reason. Just because she wants me to be back at 7. So I'm like "Okay mom."

So, I'm there helping out at the homeless shelter. I'm so engrossed in my work that I don't notice it's 7:30. My mom calls, and starts yelling at me. I tell her there's still some work I'm doing, and she yells at me to "get the fuck back home."

I tell the guys at the homeless shelter I'm sorry, but I need to leave right then and there. They understood, thankfully, and I drove home as fast as I could.

So there my mom begins to yell at me about how I never follow any of her rules, and how I'm out at all hours at the night, and stuff like that. She grounds me for an entire week.

I try to argue that I wasn't out smoking, drinking, stealing, doing drugs, vandalizing, or any of that, none of which I never do anyways, and that I was, in fact, helping people out.

She then asks me if I think that is more important than her rules.

I say yes, considering the fact that A. Helping people should be more important than anything else in the world and that B. There was no point to me being back at 7 besides the fact that she said to be back at 7. There was nothing important going on at 7. Nothing important at all. Not a single god damn thing was going to go wrong if I wasn't there at 7. It was "just because".

So she yells at me more, talking about how I never respect her, and other various things which are complete and total lies, whic his basically what she has been spouting this entire night; Complete and total lies, I mean.

Oh, oh, and then there's the best part.

Before I started going out and doing stuff with my friends and helping out and volunteering a lot, she always complained that I spent all my time cooped in my room on the computer or playing video games, and that I needed to get out more.

Now that I am getting out more, she's complaining that I'm never at home, that I'm always out and about.

She also complains about how I don't have any people skills. I had to point out to her the irony in her restricting me from seeing people and, you know, interacting with them. And, you know, developing people skills.

So yeah. Here I am. Grounded. For helping people. Yep yep.

tl;dr My mom's an incredibly stupid person.

If you actually read all of this, thanks.

If you didn't? Bleh. Just don't troll.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-29 18:25 ID:4vbACFUr

It seems to me you have a much bigger problem than being grounded here.
You say you drove back home, so I assume you are an adult (legally). It seems to me that your mother is a massive control freak, and you are either too submissive or goodness knows what else to stand up to her. If you are uncomfortable, simply move out. Otherwise talk to your mum, and establish some sense in the household, and some peace, and tell her not to shout any more, etc., etc.
If it was me, I would move out. Do you study at a uni? Perfect time to move out, get a part time job, and study + work. Rent is very cheap if you live in student dorms, and even cheaper ($10 a night, or a week, I forget, at my local hostel, though I don't live there, but not terribly luxurious) at a hostel.
If you are in fact a minor, and took a taxi or something like that, well I suppose you can ignore her, don't speak to her, until she behaves normally. Talk to her about it first. Then when you can, move out.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-29 22:19 ID:7NU4waFl

My mom was like that.

One day i leaved my house when i used to live with her.

Now i'm happy and anybody complains about me.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-30 00:03 ID:c0hGUcs8

It seems more like >>1 is a teen.

Congradulations on taking the shit, swallowing it and surviving. My advice: get into a full blown argument with her at least once, if you haven't already. Full Blown. This will make things a little clearer. Don't act sorry afterwards. If she becomes more of a bitch afterwards, I suggest moving out to a friend or relative's place and/or seeking legal emancipation. Also, if you can, get a part time job, as it will make you look a little better and to buy sympathy from friends/relatives (might also be a requirement for emancipation). Nothing illegal or dangerous, however.

Ask another Anon, as there might be an easier solution. The only other option I can think of is to put up with it.

Get the problem solved quickly. You don't want the words "mother" and "dear" coming from your own mouth in the same sentence, do you?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-30 13:33 ID:PpRWEoNj

aww.. just step against your mother rules. I did this to my mom and finally she gave up.. just train her til she will show some respect.. i mean.. i dunno, but this is what i did to my mum.

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