butterflywithnowings (23)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-03 01:39 ID:9lwWne29

There's a simple reason to live. Interest in something.

Be it something approved of, or even something looked down upon.

If you have anything in your life that gives you even an inkling of good feeling, pursue it.

Otherwise, it'd be a fair thing to say that you personally have no reason to go on living.

If it really is true that you've no interest in anything, I don't see why it'd be such a terrible thing for you to not be living. If you're not living in one sense, how are you living in another?

While I personally don't care much for the idea of killing oneself, because even some of the most disinterested people have eventually found some sort of interest, I don't feel that people live to be approved of anyway.

So if you find something that intrigues you for any reason, go with that.

(Though...even I agree with 2 just a bit. Though attention-seeking isn't such a terrible thing in my mind. I'm quite fond of the idea of engaging other people. It's one of my interests, one of my reasons to do things at all.=P)

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