Platonic e-relationships? (29)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-23 00:38 ID:7BIIpHUi

You see "Name: OP : 2009-01-22 21:34 ID:/FNtxm7K" above your post? We use "ID" to figure out you are you. Unless you post on a different computer, delete/expire your cookies, or have an IP change, you don't need to sign your post with your name (although it helps). If you really MUST need a more permanent ID, use a tripcode. Sorry if this reads out me making you out to be a retard.

Also, >>21 sucks cock for the "unique" comment. I was in the same boat OP. The person suckered me into a guilt trip to get me into an e-relationship. Then put the guilt trip on me when I ended it. It was poison. I'm glad I ended it. Otherwise, what >>21 said is right.

Stop acting like a retard then.

It takes several months.

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