Asserting oneself (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-11 01:20 ID:mcbh81iP

Hello 4ch, I have a problem asserting my needs and wants. This isn't a case of me having a problem of telling a potential girlfriend that I wanted her to respect me, but that I have a problem of feeling disrespected in the first place. If pushed on it, I wouldn't voice my exact concerns because I feel they don't matter or they're silly, but instead just tell her to stop disrespecting me or attribute my complaint to something else instead of getting to the heart of the issue. As a result I have an enormous problem communicating with others.

As an example, I was recently banned from 4chan on a false charge of CP. When I went to appeal myself, I saw there already was a message, poorly written with an email address of "" The form said the appeal was already submitted. I edited the appeal for better grammar and changed the email to my actual email. I figured the message was because of someone hacking my computer via a Trojan and after scanning my PC, it turns out I was right. However I neglected to mention the change in grammar and email and why (a Trojan), either because I assumed that 4chan would trust me on good faith due to the grammar change or I thought the my concerns about the issue didn't matter, or both. Lo and behold, I eventually saw that my appeal was denied. Suffice to say that being banned from shitty 4chan is hardly Kleenex worthy material but even so, it was a loss, preventable if I was able to communicate better.

So what can I do? I am reconfiguring my mindset to try and make it so that I am able to better communicate but your thoughts would be appreciated.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-11 01:39 ID:mcbh81iP

I should also mention that sometimes I feel as if my instincts don't matter or are wrong. I try to deny them when they're screaming at me to do the other thing and oftentimes they're right. Nevertheless sometimes this is acceptable since sometimes its shyness or other things but consistent denial is just outright ludicrous.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-11 02:47 ID:Heaven

huh? Change ip address= tadaa problem solved!

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-12 17:26 ID:VVgMhR2H

Get a virus scanner.

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