I don't trust women (8)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-11 22:52 ID:Zs+UAtsi

OP, your experience is heart wrenching, but I see only two possibilities: 1) you are very unlucky (I have consistently met women who are great people). 2) you have an attitude problem that causes you to always feel the victim of some ploy hurdled by the other nasty people.

I think the second option is the most probable. If that's true, then things will only get better once you change your attitude, not when you meet some nice girl. Because you have so much contempt, mistrust and bad faith in women that any sane one will keep at bay from you, leaving only the dysfunctional and abusive accessible to you. Love is a difficult matter, and even among good people one gets hurt. But it's very important to take your responsibilities for what happens and not just blindly lay the blame on others, otherwise one ends up like you, bitter and morally diminished.

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