I guess I'll leave going to the bank for tomorrow.
rest well...
Sounds like my average day.
I have a tax midterm on thursday next week, about 4 chapters. I have borrowed the textbook from a friend and I guess I will read it throughly during the weekend. And if I am not study on the weekend, I guess I will try to find another mean to survive..
I love this thread.
Ah, nothing goes on,
is it peace or depression?
I love this thread too...
Happy Blue Monday Guise!
sighs* kick you in the face
how did the pancake day go?
Apparently I didnt read the textbook at all. I went to radio store and play vidya game the whole weekend. It was so much fun that I forgot to study ;_;
The midterm exam is tomorrow, and my only time to study is tonight after I finish my classes But by then I probably already tired and I cant resist the urge to get sleep.
I will try to have a quick review from notes that I too on the class, and I hope that is enough.