n 8 hours i should be writing an exam (in theoretical physics) as a physics student.
Well to make it short, i have missed about 50% of the lectures also i feel no motivation nor do i have any talent/skills.
Should i go there and participate? How about drawing some pictures on the paper?
Somehow i feel uncomfortable.
Dunno what to do, especially in 6 days it is the exam in experimental physics and then 4 days after this the exam in maths.
And then to make it worse the student internship/ lab !
2men-team.........i feel sad for the unlucky one that has to work with me :/
Go there and do the best you can. If you came so fa, do at least that
Looks like you choose bad subject... How about dropping out and finding a job?
My English is one big mistake.
Finding a job? That's too much of a trouble and i do not have any real skills.
btw: lol, while the others were taking the test , i was sleeping in my bed^^
well, i think i've decided.
I'll travell around the world with the rest of the money and if i'm out of it i'll wait for the right situation and kill myself.
I got an A in a linguistics course I once went to five times.
can't you take some time off? What about unemployment? I'm currently on my third year leeching off the government, going for the fourth if they don't suspend me lol. Suicide is something i've thought about, but atm there is no need to..i'm actually enjoying myself.
>>4 suicide is never a solution.. :/
unless you have some issue to cause troubble.. cause trouble to the people who actually care for you! but good luck, i hope once you run out of money u'll find strenght to keep on living and loving yourself :)
>>8 Please, no cookie fortune "suicide is never the solution" answers. There is no answer whether it's right or wrong, it's all subjective.
>>8 thanks for your words ;)
but >>9 have the rational answer
i've been leeching long enough (from my parents).
and in this country you'll still have to work,....everything they assign you to do, you have to...otherwise they'll cut off everything.
Wieso fragst du....?^^
Actually, the only thing i enjoy doing is singing and i'm making me believe that i can sing (but as soon as i record it and replay it, even the most delusional people will have ear-aching).
I sing all day long until it starts to feel bad with my voice.
Other than this i've got no real motivation, nor (real) ambitions.
Lol, perhaps if there is a state that feeds me until death, i really won't do anything.
I went to school, just cause i had to etc. etc.
Well anyways, i'm now way more relaxed.
I need to.....cause my hair is starting to fall off heavily and if i'm even more stressed than in some months i'd become bald (-.-)
And in 3 days we have another exam.
I even don't know the general topic. However any signs of worries? Not really, it's kinda almost indifferent.
I hear you though, man. Sometimes I just want to run away from school, and go travel or something. I hate shcedules and deadlines and practical things like that. If it were possible, I'd like to go out and 'walk the earth'. Taking random odd jobs, sleeping in my car, meeting people and then moving on...
well anyways, that's the only option now that's not totally against my will.
>>13 what bah.....?
btw: in 6 hours the next exam is starting......well not that i care anyway anymore, guess i'be still sleeping.
bah as in I feel the same too often and I repeatedly disappoint myself when I 'wake up' months later
I really wish I could keep this kind of detachment forever..
what do you mean by waking up months(?) later........
anyways, it's definitely over now ;(
I think he means that detachment only lasts so long and then panic eventually kicks in.
So what are you going to do now?
Searching for freedom i guess.......
Meh, i'm sick of it, really.
Failing at physics so early means that i'm not made for any science nor engineeringrelated stuff.
Besides that i have no artistic/creative talent.
Also really bad in linguistics.
Searching a job won't solve a thing besides just procastinate things.
Well i am happy that i've got the choice.
I won't work so that i can make a living, but rather there must be something that makes me living for working.
If i can't find it, there's no meaning.
Damn, i really just want to travel and want to see what will happen once i am out of money.
Now i did it.....
3 missed exams. And today was lab-work, but i didn't go there.
(i wrote an email actually and send it, but 7 hours later to check my mailbox, i got the message that an error occured and the mail couldn't be sent........DESTINY?! ......i guess so)
There are really few things i like (or i imagine to like them), but still not talented at it.
Hm ...that's about it. but nothing i can make a money or even a career out of it.
Now the only task for me:
I feel shit. No money , no intelligence/smartness nor skills/talents.
I def. need to leave everything behind.
No money?
Are you emaciated and sleeping on the sidewalks?
Then piss off and stop being a whiny teenager. If things go exceptionally well, you won't be working your ideal job or living the carefree life you are now, nor bitching about it because you won't and can't be bothered having to work your arse off every damned day to pay all kinds of bills. Here's the "freedom" you were looking for: money.
Are you talking about yourself? You sound like it.
It seems you didn't had the courage to leave everything behind.
Now you are just working everyday to get some food and pay the bills.
As i said. I won't let this happen.
And have you ever tried some "anger-therapy"?
Just kill yourself. Best solution for everyone. Nobody will miss you.
Yes. Once my money run out, i hope that i will decide for this and not starting a career as a beggar on the streets.
If you're here to attentionwhore, you got the wrong board.
Hm, dunno really what i wan't.
Well perhaps, cause besides "standard phrases" i won't get any useful tips, so nothing to expect.
Perhaps i am just bored......with everything.