How does one stop being a 2D-con? (20)

14 Name: nijikon : 2009-02-17 17:53 ID:TnKwP3aw

>13 you seem to suffer from low self-esteem, and that's your real problem, not that you are in love with 2-D characters. Why did you chose to study philosophy? If you search your memories, what kind of stuff, people were interesting/important to you?

Low self-esteem? Well, maybe. The kind of stuff I was interested was pretty much books and other 2D stuff. I'm not used to being around people (did I already say that?) So now that I am, it feels like all my book knowledge is fake compared to all the people with first-hand experience. I can't really brag about being to France or being a cowhand or anything like that, so it almost feels like I have nothing to offer people.

I think that's one of the reasons I chose philosophy; I can be as familiar with a concept as anybody can.

As for alcohol and stuff like that; I guess I'm too much of a goody two-shoes so that I would never consider it. I honestly don't like partying that much to begin with.

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