How does one stop being a 2D-con? (20)

5 Name: nijikon : 2009-02-14 23:04 ID:TnKwP3aw

Just for a bit of background, I'm not a 30-year old programmer hiding in his basement (or any other stereotypical situation); I'm a female philosophy student living in the campus dorms.

Oh, how I wish I could hide away in my house and never come out. I have to meet people daily and it just makes me nervous. I have no idea how to act in my own room and spend a lot of the time avoiding it and my roommate. The fact that I'm on the computer today even makes me a little… you know? But I don't see anything else to do but homework, though, and most of that is also on the computer.

>2 Go out into the 3D world more.

I go out into the 3D world all the time. Sometimes it's fun, and sometimes I don't see what the big fuss is about.

>2 Talk to real people more.

I talk to real people as much as I can stand. But as I said, small talk bores me. I usually just put on my nicest face and pretend I’m not bored. It gets tiring to do that, though. After so long I want to run home and relax.

>2 Talk to your 3D friends.

I already said that I don't know how to get to know people, so 2D people and things seem more interesting. Moreover, I don't have any friends, but just acquaintances that I'm not really attached to. If any of them were to die tomorrow, I'd probably just shrug it off: 'She was nice. Oh well.'

>2 Do more 3D things.

I can't think of any more. I’m not very athletic but I’ll occasionally do a little of everything from eating out to going hiking. I would do more if I had a car, had more money, lived in a bigger town, etc. I’m usually alone, though.

>2 Watch 3D porn.

Um, I don't even watch 2D porn. I admit that 3D porn would probably gross me out, while 2D stuff is something I'm afraid of liking.

Real people kind of turn me off, though. They just don’t seem that deep. I can develop a liking for an anime character (or even a book character) fairly easily, but I can’t imagine ever being that fond of a real person.

>3 if it sucks (and it will)

The world is fine, I just don't like all the people all the time.

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