Trying to gain weight and burn fat (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-16 02:40 ID:n5YLj7XN

So...I have a very odd problem. I'm trying to gain weight (BMI of 19). However, at the same time I'm trying to lose some fat off my belly (only shows up when I'm sitting down). I hear cardio is really good for losing weight but...would that cause me to get even skinnier? Any way to burn belly fat but still be able to gain overall weight?

I'm a guy btw. Thanks in advance

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-16 08:25 ID:N/Y/Vdeh

Do abs everyday.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-16 14:11 ID:n5YLj7XN

Doesn't that just tone the abs that are hidden under fat?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-17 02:38 ID:N/Y/Vdeh

Sorry, I took for granted that you'd also do cardio :p

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-17 06:04 ID:+7W7eF6x

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-17 10:24 ID:+4w39Jwa

lift weights, do HIIT :)

7 Name: 8l : 2009-03-19 19:47 ID:RZoJ1Npw

Dont do abs everyday, thats ridiculous.

Unfortunately, you body will decide where it takes the fat off of first. Hopefully that will be your belly. Do your cardio a few times a week and get on a good eating plan (I avoid saying diet, because diet has a connotation of being temporal, an abberation from the norm. You want to find an eating lifestyle that is healthy and that is you.) Can't stress enough the importance of eating right.

To gain weight, you gotta lift weights. If you are just starting out, you will grow relatively quick. Do the big movements that work the bigger muscles a lot of smaller muscles at the same time, i.e. bench press, dumbell rows, shoulder press, squats, deadlifts. Don't waste time with exercizes that work one small muscle, i.e. curls, but do make sure you do abs. Make sure you get training on proper form (especially for the squat and deadlift). You can get injured and that will stop you from gaining weight, most definitely...

Losing weight and gaining weight simultaneously is a bit of a slow process. Emphasizing one over the other in a given period of time is much more efficient. Elite bodybuilders have these two phases in their training. They look like fat slobs in the off season, but shredded during competition time.

8 Name: Scotland : 2009-03-20 01:26 ID:dr4lpDkt

to gain weight, and lose fat...
is in other words, build muscles and replace fat with muscles.

this is done by sports, cardio workouts, gym simulatously using protein shakes, and exercising.

you should do it 1-2 hours in a day roughly more than 4 days a week.

however, if your body digests food to energy very fast, like mine, it will take roughly 3months+ at least to see the results since your body might burn your fat naturally.

I am no expert, however I use to go to the gym alot to workout but recently I had to fit my full-time education With 35+hours of part-time I dont have the time for it right now.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-27 10:57 ID:U55aMKQm

do some sit-up. who knows maybe that belly might turn into a six power pack of muscle!!! XO

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