So much problems you'd just move away from your country? (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-08 19:41 ID:D+7g1Qz0

For the last couple of years I've been working at an event that is held two times a year, however... as a result of a misunderstanding last time I've got turned down this time. The event is big so I would still be able to join other teams, but it's still not the same thing and I'm not sure if I'd like to work there anymore.

On top of that there's a lot of things that haveve gone wrong every now and then, don't misunderstand me... there's been a lot of good things to. However...

Right now it feels like I've been doing the same things every year since I was young. I haven't gotten to know any new people, I haven't learned anything new, I haven't really tried anything I don't already know how to do.

So I was thinking, maybe I should leave the country for a bit... or maybe even forever. Start up somewhere else there nobody know me, learn a new language, get a new job and get to know a new culture. That would be pretty awesome...

Is there anyone else that have had the same idea here, and... what did you do?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-09 02:58 ID:QuqUhqMx

Every 3 to 4 years I move to a new country. It's a great experience, but please mind the following:

  • Your weaknesses will follow you wherever you go. If you are blaming others for your own issues, you are in for a surprise
  • I would go for another country because I wish to go there, not because I'm running away from something at home.
  • Remember that as you get older, it's harder to get to know new people. It's not impossible, just harder. So be ready to put some energy into it.
  • Also, as a foreigner, everything is often a bit more difficult than for a native. You need to have energy and be resourceful to counterbalance that.
  • Living in a different country is an incredible experience that will give you an unparalleled perspective on life.
  • If you are not ready to live abroad, it may be already great to simply spend some months away, to cool off and get a fresh look at your life.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-09 15:56 ID:mu6D/2TQ

>I would go for another country because I wish to go there, not because I'm running away from something at home.

This is probably the most important point.

Also, keep in mind that you might become addicted to it.

A friend of mine has made the mistake, she decided to go work in another country (even if she was interested in it in the first place) as a means to escape her problems. Needless to say, now she is in yet another country and planning to move again.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-10 12:21 ID:g94xm9s6

How "heavy" is it just to go to a country without knowing the language there and having nothing else?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-11 13:05 ID:U0Z+06n0

its not that hard.. people pick up languages quite easily, speally if learnt in the same language environment. There are definitely some courses for beginners and most people (lets be honest there) know engish, whatever the country is you are planning to start living.
You might get in troubble with the languages in specific big countries as germany, france, poland, where people dont talk anything else than rather their own language. But in smaller developed countries you shouldnt have any problem to communicate in english or get a guide who speaks the languages.
Go for the changes (coupple of years there and here) and then move back to your own country. I bet it will feel refreshing as you get back there. I've had the same thoughts, but over the time the feelings sort of go away and im still staying in the same position, in my home country..
good luck, op :)

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