Is there any way i can get my parents to mind their own business?? (4)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-15 18:56 ID:KzG38333

The solution to your problem is very simple, and you already know it: you need to move out of your parent's home, and become financially independent. Nothing else will work, no need to try to fudge it.

Look, if I had a son/daughter, and s/he was still living with me at 26, it would be a huge problem that I just can't ignore, even if I tried. You can't simply ignore a person who lives in your own place, whom you need to feed and basically take care of.

You say you are 26, but age is meaningless in terms of autonomy. You have to prove your own through acts, not with a birth certificate. Also, I find your anger towards your parents totally displaced. Have you actually realized that they might wish NOT to have to still worry about you in such a childish way? Hating them is the most roundabout and coward way of channeling your own self-depreciation. Give them and yourself a break, and get out of your parents house, even if you go through an uncomfortable period for a couple of months, it's the only way for you to regain some self-confidence.

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