so guys, I do lots of exercices. I practice MMA and some running. few other things too.
recently I started smoking. like one cigarette per day
anyone else practice physical activities AND smokes?
any differences on performance noticed?
small or big?
any useful advices?
>any useful advices?
>cigarette per day
Stop smoking while it's still easy.
It'll affect your health of course.
Destroy your lungs in a year of medium strength smoking (like 2-3 a day).
Smoke cigars instead, you don't inhale and the taste is better. You have almost no rsk (from smoking) of lung cancer etc., but your risk of mouth cancer will slightly raise.
what if you smoke cigarette without inhaling?
Then, unless you really like the cigs taste and don't care about nicotine, you're doing it wrong. There are other less cancerigenous options out there.
I smoke while I jog; people question my methods a lot. But I get panicky if I don't have a smoke.
smoking, any type of smoking puts you at high risk of almost every single cancer and disease there is. everything from cardiovascular disease to impotence.
you might not realise it now, but eventually you'll notice reduced lung capacity, and find it harder to keep up with all that exercise you do.
this is possibly the dumbest thing i've responded to today.
>recently I started smoking. like one cigarette per day
wtf is the point? did you get dropped on your head as a baby?
All the people I know who smoke want to quit. I don't know anybody who talks about smoking as though it were a hobby they picked up rather than a really unfortunate mistake they made when they were retarded teenagers, which no doubt is what you are.
>useful advices
dont start smoking! after smoking 9 years it was so frikken complicated to finally drop them again! The tastes and smells and sensing was gone. Your endurance will fade.. u might not notice it in the beginning, but soon you will start breathing heavily if u have been running a little. might happen u wont notice it during some time til you are addicted to nicotine. but oh well. The thing is.. that if u wanna experience a second life experience from quitting smoking, then fine, go for it. Your life, your mouth, your body.. your heart... so addictive..!!
right now if i would smoke a cigg, i'd get super nasty frikken tar taste to my mouth. Yet, when i used to smoke I LOVED THE TASTE!!! not its all gross..
based on my experience.. NEVER START SMOKING!!!!!!!!! N E V E R !!