bitch be trippin' (8)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-14 14:23 ID:YsDnhn8E

Woman reporting.

Idiot. I'm probably responding to a troll, but call me PMS or w/e, idc. Anyone in their right might would know it's a sensitive topic and you shouldn't have raised it in the first place.
Some girls are really open (to the extent of proud) about periods, but most girls find it uncomfortable to talk about. It sounds to me that you started some unreasonable shit, and didn't give her a way out. How gentlemanly of you.
I'm sure you have the common sense to at least put yourself in her position. If she was picking you up on guys getting wet dreams/morning wood or w/e, saying it's so lame and laughable, wouldn't you be finding her obnoxious? She has no experience in what men go through and yet she makes these outrageous statements that make you feel embarrassed and demeaned. Get my drift?
And just because she's not on her period now, doesn't mean that your comments didn't apply to her.

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