College classmates; fail. (18)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-30 03:10 ID:uNrh+suQ

OP here, again. This time it has become worst than ever. Now I can't even bear to be in the same classroom than them. I've begun to skip some classes because of that. I almost hit one of them with my bag last wednesday. When I told that to a friend, she commented "Wow, you really HATE them!"
Figures, then I realized I really hated them. At some point it went beyond simple anger and despise, it was hate. I'm not going to actively try to hurt some of them, or anything like that. But, I guess this is the first time in my life I've despised someone so much.

Most of the subjects this last semester focus on grupal work, so the rest of the year will become a long and stressing journey.
They make me doubt if any effort I'll make will be worth. After all, what's the point of one teacher trying to do things right and in the right direction, if there are other thirty-two imbecilic bastards ruining their students' education?

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