Non-nantive speaker college student here; I see to HATE HATE HATE the subject i'm supposed to be writing an essay about. Actually, even the idea of doing this essay sickens me. I've spent the whole week looking for excuses to not do it, and now that it's my last day to write it, it has become obvious that i simply hate the subject, and i also hate writing essays.
Hilda Taba's zombie may lick my balls.
So you have the writer's block. What's the essay all about?
If it's your last day, I think you should start on it. Write something regarding the subject you are writing about and then maybe you can start from there and correct your writing along the way.
Hilda Taba's Curriculum Framework. I've tried, but until now i can only get isolated sentences. I'm trying to do the Moe Szyslak's method of writing; Paste everything and pray it makes some sense... or not. Not like i'm aiming for a good grade anyways. = /