help; going insane (12)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-30 23:39 ID:6J2llRxv

You should consider doing sports, it can help regulate your mood. Try different sorts (lone sports, like running, biking or swimming, or team like volley-ball, soccer, etc). If you can get into it, it will really help you a lot. I know people who where basically saved through sport practice.

If that doesn't work for you, then I suggest you do more stuff outside of your house. Engage into group activities in clubs or other places. Less time at home = less chances to be violent with your family, and stimulation from other people can be uplifting.

Finally, you have to see why you are sinking into depression. If you identify the problem (where is your anxiety coming from), then it might be easier to correct it.

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