I Am Racist. (44)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-12 18:53 ID:MhIj6VEw

I am not racist, I am culturalist. That means that I have disdain for cultures that have achieved or contributed nothing, but have pretensions of equality with others that have done far more. This dislike for inferior cultures extends to religion. If you are a devout Hindu, I will not go out of my way to criticize you, but I have no respect for your overwrought, excessively ancient Gordian knot of a religion. I feel that Hinduism, much like other faiths that were born in the near east and southern Asia in general, are suffocating, inhuman constructs that turn otherwise decent people into barbarians.

Similarly, I see Native Americans and their alleged 'cultures' and I find myself feeling a sort of remote contempt for them. They had nearly 10,000 years of continuous habitation of the American continent and they resolutely failed to produce coherent civilizations, no writing systems, no pottery, unsophisticated barter systems of commerce, and a congerie of mystical cultures that made it virtually possible to use the world around them as a tool. Few of them produced viable agriculture, and were always small scale, if anything.

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